Kaula Jacks
Kaula was born and raised in Calvert County, Maryland where she graduated from Huntingtown High in 2011. Her natural athleticism and competitive nature provided an opportunity for her to play college basketball. Although she received many individual accolades in high school, Kaula was most impacted by her team winning a conference championship at her alma mater, Shaw University, in 2013. That experience showed her what it takes to succeed and lead others.
While at Shaw, Kaula studied Athletic Training, a major that taught her how to evaluate and treat orthopedic injuries. She has always had an interest in healing the body after seeing her mom fight with an autoimmune disease that targeted the muscles specifically. She has been in the health and fitness industry for over a decade helping professionals lose weight, build healthy habits, and build inner confidence. Recently, Kaula ventured into finances, a topic Kaula never learned about in school or at home. She is now licensed to support families with Life Insurance & Investments as well as other financial services.
Kaula is determined to make a difference in her life and her community in the areas of Faith, Fitness, & Finances as she believes these areas set a solid foundation for fulfillment. Her personal faith journey grew roots in 2022 after some major life events that solidified her need for the love and justification of Jesus Christ. Although Kaula grew up in church, it was not until then that she developed a personal relationship with God.
She believes in order to transform the world we must empower the youth with education and emotional intelligence, so they feel confident to pursue and express their God given gifts without limitation. As the Director of Discipleship and Transformation, Kaula will focus on connecting the youth with each other & the word of God daily, integrating christian principles and practices in their daily lives, and serving the Church and community with love & humility. We will know we are successful when each child has a personal relationship with God via the word of God, prayer, meditation, and thanksgiving. We will also know we are successful when each child has willingly let go of ways that do not align their faith despite the opposition in the world.