About Us
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church has a heart for Evangelism and for
bringing the Body of Christ together.
Many people have come to know the Lord here and have worked hard within
the Church to serve God in many capacities.
We are a Church that reaches out to the community.
We are a Church that sees and hears the needs of others, and we respond
in love to meet those needs.
We see ourselves as the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ.
Our past is intertwined with the present as we continue to lay the foundation
of our faith as our ancestors did.
We will continue to walk in the footsteps of our Lord who leads us into the
future with the promise of eternal life for all who believe.
We pray you will come join us!
Come and be fed, mind, body and soul!

What to Expect
At Mt. Zion, we want you to feel at home. It doesn't matter to us if you've been away from church for a while. We want Mt. Zion to be a place where you can connect with genuine, friendly people who want to know more about Jesus.
Our 9:00am worship service is a mix of Contemporary & Traditional Worship (Hymns) & Relevant Teaching of God's Word.